Rufnit Kennels Braque du Bourbonnais – Rufnit Puppy’s First Nights
A Rufnit Puppy’s First Nights
(General Information)
Getting a new puppy is very exciting! Acquisition of your Rufnit Companion was a decision long time in the planning, and both of you can look forward to a lifetime of adventure and companionship.
These are the supplies recommended to welcome your new arrival:
1. Crate: Either the crate your companion used for his/her flight or purchase one for the size appropriate for continued crate familiarization and house breaking. The crate should have bedding, such as a towel, sturdy cushion or mat.
2. Exercise Pen or Gate: Lightweight exercise pens or childproof gates will allow your new family member to be confined to controllable areas outside his/her crate, yet be close to the family’s activities.
3. Toys: Be sure to choose toys that do not have loose or small parts that can be chewed off and swallowed. Toys provide entertainment, but are also necessary for teething and training. Nylon or hard rubber bones and toys are excellent choices for teething puppies. Stuffed animals, which can be torn apart, should only be allowed under direct supervision.
4. Dishes: Water and food dishes should be non-tippable and preferably made of heavy stainless steel or sturdy stoneware (ceramic). Make sure fresh water is always available. You might want to put a mat or tray under the dishes to protect your floor from spills.
5. Food: Check to see what to feed and how often to feed your puppy.
6. Collar and Leash: You will need an everyday collar (flat collar). Ask us or your veterinarian for recommendations.
7. Grooming Tools: It’s a good idea to have basic grooming tools, such as dog nail clippers, brush and puppy shampoo.
8. Puppyproof: Be sure to “Puppyproof” your home (don’t forget about standing on hind legs and jumping)!
9. Veterinarian information: Keep the name and number of your veterinarian handy, preferable posted by the phone.
When you first bring your puppy home, while not being “directly” watched, place him in a limited space with easily washable floors. An exercise pen, spread with newspaper, is ideal. Keep the puppy confined, but close to the family, so he can be supervised yet still feel he is “part of the pack”. A room that usually perfectly fits these criteria is the kitchen. Place his water dish, with fresh water, close at hand. Place his crate, bedding and toys inside the pen. When you can “directly” supervise him, let him be with the family…make sure you watch for signs that he needs to relieve himself (prevention is easier than cure).
Observe his actions and reactions carefully. Handle him frequently and briefly. Don’t let him get overtired or over-stimulated. Supervise children’s activities with the puppy and keep those activities within common sense. Children must be made to realize that the puppy is a little baby and needs to rest often.
You have to understand that your little puppy is just like a human toddler. He has been taken away from his siblings and parents, he has undoubtedly undergone some stress. Don’t be surprised if he keeps you up by crying for a night or two (or three!). Visit him often during the night. He will get used to your smell and will soon realize that you are there to protect and comfort him. Puppies also like to be held next to your skin where they can feel your heartbeat and your warmth. Turn on a radio or TV for background noise and comfort. Pet and talk to him softly and tell him how glad you are that he is with you. Talking to your puppy in a soft, reassuring voice is extremely important. He may not understand the words, but he will appreciate and understand the meaning. However, don’t pick him/her up every time he/she cries or barks, or he/she will soon associate that undesirable behavior with getting a positive response. Contact your Veterinarian with any concerns.
Note: Rufnit Companions have had the foundation training to implement the above “General Information.” It is NOT recommended to impose the above methods on a pup that has not been previously conditioned.
- Upcoming Litters
- Puppy and Litter Info
- Comments & References
- Breeding, Whelping & Raising Time Line
- Vital Periods in Your Puppies Growth
- Rufnit Puppy Information
- What is a Reputable Breeder
- Pick A the Litter – by J.D. Wills
- The 10 Commandments From a Pet’s Standpoint
- To Reserve Your Braque du Bourbonnais
Sole recipient of the prestigious
“Natural Ability Breeder Awards”
presented by NAVHDA for the
Braque du Bourbonnais
the FIRST litters of
Naturally Short Tailed/Tailless
Braque du Bourbonnais’
in North America
Rufnit Kennels, LLC is honored to be recognized and supported by the Club du Braque du Bourbonnais (breed club in the country of origin – FRANCE) |

There are many reputable breeders of fine upland hunting dogs throughout North America. Unfortunately in this business like so many others, the buyer needs to be aware. Make sure that the puppy comes from a line of dogs that have good health credentials. There should be a good history in the pedigree of dogs that perform in the field (field trials, hunt tests, etc.). As a rule, avoid “backyard breeders.” Leave the art and science of breeding to the breeders experienced with the breed and have produced proven progeny. Take the time to make contacts and see if there are any consistent problems reported about the particular breeder you have selected. NAVHDA (North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association) is the foundation registry and testing organization for the Braque du Bourbonnais in North America. We sell to only responsible owners and utilize the “Breeding Restriction” registration offered by the registries. Rufnit Kennels assumes a lifetime responsibility for the canine lives we place on this earth. We require the dog/pup be returned to Rufnit Kennels should a situation arise and a dog/puppy need to be relocated.
Remember that the least expensive part of the cost of a dog is its initial price. Vet bills, feeding, kenneling, training etc. are what really cost the most. Our advice: Do your research, you and your companion will benefit in the long run.
License #KN744
Rufnit Kennels, LLC BdB * C/O Shari Stueck * 5900 Saltillo Road * Lincoln NE 68516-9209 * (402) 423-0995 or (402) 560-8652