Rufnit Kennels Braque du Bourbonnais – Miscellaneous Photos
The following photos are taken from our daily training, play, seminars and hunting sessions.
Enjoy watching our companions develop!
(NOTE: photos are continuously added; newer photos will appear at the bottom of the page.
Photos are also located on our FaceBook page.)

Journey (upper left), Jasmine (lower left),
LuLu (upper right), Echo (center right) & Hemi (lower right)

Echo, Jasmine, Axel, Alex, Journey & Hemi




Alex, Journey, Axel, Jasmine, Amos & Alou
with their human companions
Shari, Terry, Shane & BurDon
at the Heartland Chapter NAVHDA Test
after receiving their NA Prizes
(A record was set that day for the largest number of Braque du Bourbonnais testing together and Prizing in a NAVHDA NA Test)

Rufnit Kennels
“NAVHDA Natural Ability Breeders Award”
(first recipient in North America)

Shane, Kevin, Echo & Hemi

Alex, Journey, Jasmine, Hemi, Echo and Axel
Veterans Day Hunt

Valencia & Vurhi

Vurhi, Alex, Journey, Hemi, Jasmine, Echo, Axel and Valencia

Valencia, “Put the camera away and come to bed, Mom”

Vurhi, falling asleep while practicing for his “Dell” commercial
Pheasant Fest 2005Omaha NE

Photos by TED KIRKLincoln Journal Star
Vurhi being photogenic again…first television…then the newspaper!

Bali, Valencia and Vurhi training 02-16-05

Echo quail hunting 02-16-05

Braque du Bourbonnais Group 02-18-05

Vurhi and a bobwhite quail 02-23-05

Vurhi pointing a bobwhite quail 02-23-05

Valencia locked on a quail 02-23-05

Valencia retrieving a quail 02-23-05

Bali pointing a quail 02-23-05

Bali retrieving a shot quail 02-23-05

Rufnit Kennels Braque du Bourbonnais’ version of “Where’s Waldo.”

Bali, Valencia and Vurhi cooling off after field work.
Do we HAVE to get out?”

“Hey guys, I’m still in here!!”
“Vurhi, Mom said we have to get out!!”

“Just a few more minutes…..PLEASE!?!?”
Trying to get Bali, Valencia and Vurhi out of the tank after field work, proves to be a challenge!!

Jasmine, making sure the shot gun doesn’t go out without her!

Journey taking an afternoon break.

Rufnit Kennels’ Braque du Bourbonnais Group photo

Hemi vs GameBirds – Final Score for the day: 4-0

Jasmine vs GameBirds – Final Score for the day: 3-0

Jasmine teaching her companion to “search for a duck”

Heartland Chapter NAVHDA Utility Test October 8, 2005
The first known NAVHDA Utility Test consisting of all female owners/handlers!
Kristine Hill (Small Munsterlander), Sally Jo Hoaglund (Weimaraner)
Shari Stueck (Braque du Bourbonnais), Cheryl Asmus (German Shorthaired Pointer)
Photo courtesy of Tresha Moorberg

Giving the pheasant and quail time to re-group, while entertaining the
“little one.”
Jasmine, Encore, Journey and Vurhi

Alex and Axel after 11-27-05 hunt(at least Terry hit something!!)

“Let’s go…there are birds to be found!”Encore 12-19-05

The above photos taken during the 12-20-05 upland hunt.

Rufnit Kennels’ Braque du Bourbonnais Group

Jasmine & Journey with their “birthday” gifts!

Angus 03-02-06

Alex 03-02-06

Fortune, during field work 06-08-06
(~11 weeks old)

Fortune preparing for his NAVHDA NA test!
(~4 1/2 months old)

Alex and Axel patiently awaiting their turns for “multiple retrieves”

Examples of the development of the Braque du Bourbonnais
Rufnit Hero (4 days – 12.5 oz), Rufnit Genius (8 weeks – 9 lbs. 10 oz)
and Rufnit Fortune (6 months – 40 lbs 8 oz)
Braque du Bourbonnais are typically full grown (height and length) between six to eight months of age, at which time they put on weight and fill out.

Foster following the flight from FRANCE!

Jon & Parker, Jim, Shane & Amos and Bob
Opening day 2006
21 pheasants
Limit shot and brought home!!
Thanks Bob and Connie for the opportunity!!

Darin & Fortune opening day 2006
2 quail, 1 pheasant
(~7 months old)

Foster & Valencia, waiting patiently for their turn in the field!

Axel, following his short afternoon outing!

Angus, following his short afternoon outing a couple days later!

Hemi, ready for the NAVHDA 2007 Annual Meeting/Buffet!
(Sponsored by the Heartland Chapter: January 25 – 28, 2007)

Rufnit Kennels’ Braque du Bourbonnais Group

Photo courtesy of Rufnit Kennels
“Eyewitness Companions: Dogs” by Dr Bruce Fogle
Published by DK
(page: 237)
Sharing this fantastic breed…first with television spots, then newspaper articles and now books!

Cannon’s puppy photo as posted in the May 2007 Versatile Hunting Dog Magazine,
which is published by NAVHDA (Volume XXXVIII; No. 5)
photo submitted by Rufnit Kennels
(Click here for additional photos of the Rufnit “C” Litter)

Fortune finding the quail remaining in the field following the puppy training sessions.

Angus, the smart bird dog…He knows that the birds will need to take a bath sooner or later!!
Nebraska National Forest Weekend…

Darin & Fortune


Terry & Axel

September 2007

Juli and Journey making their “whelping box” selections while they are awaiting their litters!

Rufnit Baja and Rufnit Amos enjoying Opening Day 2007
(Rufnit Baja ~3 1/2 years old, Rufnit Amos ~4 years old)

Rufnit Epoxy thrilled that his “little brother,” Tony, can get around!
Now…who is teaching who?!?!
(Epoxy ~3 years, Tony ~1 year)

Enjoying Opening Day

First day’s harvest 2008
Very first Sharptail Grouse!!
Rufnit Alou
“Having your human companion take you to the field on your birthday…PRICELESS!!”
~~Happy Birthday Alou (aka Bandit)~~
(5 years old)

The Traveling Braque du Bourbonnais Hunting Team!!
(Rufnit Alou, Rufnit Fortune, Rufnit Foster / BB’s)
(John, BurDon, Darin, Terry / follower’s)

Ok, let’s see what birds are hiding on this farmers ground!!
(Jasmine, Journey, Natural & Olivia)

Let’s get those birds!!
(Vurhi, Foster, Angus & Fortune)

Last day of the 2008 season…
(Terry & Jasmine)

Rufnit Alex
Preparing for the 2009 Invitational

Rufnit Alex
Preparing for the 2009 Invitational
Click here: Rufnit Alex – Blind Retrieve (100+ yards) 08-31-09

Rufnit Fortune
First hunt of the 2009 Waterfowl season!

Rufnit Katen
First hunt of the 2009 Waterfowl season!
(~2 years old)

John, Darin and Rufnit Fortune’s afternoon in the field!
(~3 1/2 years old)

What goes on at Rufnit when there’s ~24″ of snow,
4′ drifts and the temps in the negative teen’s…A lot of
laying around and taking it easy!!
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![]() The Rufnit Companions promoted the Heartland NAVHDA at the annual “Man Show” in the Lancaster Event Center. They impressed numerous visitors while showing their obedience, retrieving and people skills! 01-29-10 and 01-30-10 ![]() Photo as posted on the front page of the Omaha World-Herald announcing the 2011 Pheasant Fest weekend at the Qwest Center in Omaha NE (photo by Matt Miller / story by David Hendee) January 28, 2011 |

The Rufnit Companions promoted the Heartland NAVHDA
at the annual “Man Show” in the Lancaster Event Center.
They impressed numerous visitors while showing their
obedience, retrieving and people skills!
01-29-10 and 01-30-10

Dekun, Dylan and Birdi
Run in the field, full tummies…now for a nap!
(~4 months old)

An informative book…awesome section on the Braque du Bourbonnais!!

“Mom, what do you mean ‘this IS the Pheasant’ we came to see today…
it doesn’t look or smell like the ones we get during the hunting season!!”
Pheasant Fest 2012
Bird Dog Parade
Kansas City MO
02-17-12 through 02-19-12

Covey Rise
Braque du Bourbonnais Article
Story: Nancy Anisfield
Phtography: Denise Heath
February-March 2024
Volume 12, Number 2
For additional photos and information please ~
Join us on FaceBook
- Upcoming Litters
- Puppy and Litter Info
- Comments & References
- Breeding, Whelping & Raising Time Line
- Vital Periods in Your Puppies Growth
- Rufnit Puppy Information
- What is a Reputable Breeder
- Pick A the Litter – by J.D. Wills
- The 10 Commandments From a Pet’s Standpoint
- To Reserve Your Braque du Bourbonnais
Sole recipient of the prestigious
“Natural Ability Breeder Awards”
presented by NAVHDA for the
Braque du Bourbonnais
the FIRST litters of
Naturally Short Tailed/Tailless
Braque du Bourbonnais’
in North America
Rufnit Kennels, LLC is honored to be recognized and supported by the Club du Braque du Bourbonnais (breed club in the country of origin – FRANCE) |

There are many reputable breeders of fine upland hunting dogs throughout North America. Unfortunately in this business like so many others, the buyer needs to be aware. Make sure that the puppy comes from a line of dogs that have good health credentials. There should be a good history in the pedigree of dogs that perform in the field (field trials, hunt tests, etc.). As a rule, avoid “backyard breeders.” Leave the art and science of breeding to the breeders experienced with the breed and have produced proven progeny. Take the time to make contacts and see if there are any consistent problems reported about the particular breeder you have selected. NAVHDA (North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association) is the foundation registry and testing organization for the Braque du Bourbonnais in North America. We sell to only responsible owners and utilize the “Breeding Restriction” registration offered by the registries. Rufnit Kennels assumes a lifetime responsibility for the canine lives we place on this earth. We require the dog/pup be returned to Rufnit Kennels should a situation arise and a dog/puppy need to be relocated.
Remember that the least expensive part of the cost of a dog is its initial price. Vet bills, feeding, kenneling, training etc. are what really cost the most. Our advice: Do your research, you and your companion will benefit in the long run.
License #KN744
Rufnit Kennels, LLC BdB * C/O Shari Stueck * 5900 Saltillo Road * Lincoln NE 68516-9209 * (402) 423-0995 or (402) 560-8652