Rufnit Kennels Braque du Bourbonnais – Introducing Your Older Dog to a Rufnit Puppy

Introducing Your Older Dog to a Rufnit Puppy
If you have an existing dog with some behavior problems you may want to address those problems before bringing a new dog or puppy home. Some bad behaviors can transfer to the new pet. Dogs learn by example from other dogs pretty easily. If aggression seems to be the problem it may be jealousy.  The nature of the aggression must be identified before you can address it. You may also want to take into consideration the physical condition of your current animals. If you have an old dog with health problems, he or she may be too fragile to be around a new puppy. People will sometimes go into shelters or pet stores looking for a puppy to motivate their older dogs. Older or calm dogs are pretty content as they are and may be annoyed and very unhappy with a puppy’s rowdy behaviors. A personality and energy match for your current pets is the best match, but if you do end up with a puppy and older dog, here are some suggestions we can offer.

Separation is a good idea at first. Having the new puppy in the house is enough for your older dog to get used to, let alone having to deal with the puppy nipping, barking and playing with their toys and bed. Try to have the puppy be in a room that your adult dog doesn’t spend a lot of time in at first.  You can even use a crate or kennel. One important thing to remember is to train, feed, and play separately. You must remember to give equal time to both pets to keep the jealous behavior to a minimum.

To introduce the new pet, pick a neutral area. Somebody else’s yard, or even have someone meet you walking down the street. Both of the dogs must be on leashes and under control. If you have more than just the one dog already, introduce them one at a time to the newest puppy. Start with the friendliest of them. You can start by having a friend and not a family member hold the puppy in their arms and letting your adult dog take a sniff. Separate the dogs and put the puppy down and let the dogs approach each other at their speed. You must remember to stay relaxed during this process. The dogs can sense if you are anxious. Verbal support, such as “good boy/girl!” reinforces any good behavior. If there is any aggression from either side you, will have to take a break and try again a little bit later. If the aggression continues, consult a guide or trainer. Allow the dogs to spend five to ten minutes together at a time and then proceed.

Always start with small romps. Allow the dogs supervised access to one another for the first week or so. Slowly they will form a good bond and can be trusted alone. Depending on the dogs, these romps can be five minutes to an hour or longer. Pick the largest play area possible so the dogs have room to move around. I like to use the yard. If the older dog repeatedly shows signs of fatigue or aggravated behavior such as to avoiding the puppy, growling or snapping, separate them. Remember to remove all toys from this mutual play area to avoid possible aggression over these toys. The puppy is still a baby until they reach one year and because of this they don’t always recognize the signs of aggression.

Puppies learn from other dogs better than humans, which is another reason to limit time at first with the older dog. The dog must learn from us the good and bad before they learn from the other dogs. Although the other dogs can teach the puppy things that we can’t it is better to supervise most of their time together. Walks in the park, around the neighborhood and dog parks together can reinforce the positive “fun things happen when the dogs are together” thoughts in both dogs. Puppies before the age of 4 months may not be familiar with subtle body gestures from adult dogs that are signals they have had enough. Well-socialized adult dogs with good temperaments can set limits with puppies with a growl, bark or snarl. This behavior should be allowed to happen. Adults that are not well socialized, or who have existing behavioral problems of fighting with other dogs may attempt to set limits with more aggressive behaviors. Biting which can hurt the puppy should not be allowed. Always supervise the two dogs if this is the case.

For the most part, older dogs adjust to puppies pretty easily since the penalty of problem behaviors can be severe it is wise to follow a slower introduction process. To ensure all goes well with adding a new puppy to your home always take it slow and remain calm.

Note:  Rufnit Companions have had the foundation training to implement the above “General Information.”  It is NOT recommended to impose the above methods on a pup that has not been previously conditioned.


Sole recipient of the prestigious

“Natural Ability Breeder Awards”

presented by NAVHDA for the

Braque du Bourbonnais



the FIRST litters of

Naturally Short Tailed/Tailless

Braque du Bourbonnais’

in North America


Rufnit Kennels, LLC is honored to be
recognized and supported by the
Club du Braque du Bourbonnais
(breed club in the country of origin – FRANCE)

There are many reputable breeders of fine upland hunting dogs throughout North America.  Unfortunately in this business like so many others, the buyer needs to be aware. Make sure that the puppy comes from a line of dogs that have good health credentials.  There should be a good history in the pedigree of dogs that perform in the field (field trials, hunt tests, etc.).  As a rule, avoid “backyard breeders.”  Leave the art and science of breeding to the breeders experienced with the breed and have produced proven progeny.  Take the time to make contacts and see if there are any consistent problems reported about the particular breeder you have selected.  NAVHDA (North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association) is the foundation registry and testing organization for the Braque du Bourbonnais in North America.  We sell to only responsible owners and utilize the “Breeding Restriction” registration offered by the registries.  Rufnit Kennels assumes a lifetime responsibility for the canine lives we place on this earth.  We require the dog/pup be returned to Rufnit Kennels should a situation arise and a dog/puppy need to be relocated.
Remember that the least expensive part of the cost of a dog is its initial price. Vet bills, feeding, kenneling, training etc. are what really cost the most. Our advice: Do your research, you and your companion will benefit in the long run.

License #KN744

Rufnit Kennels, LLC BdB * C/O Shari Stueck * 5900 Saltillo Road * Lincoln NE 68516-9209 * (402) 423-0995 or (402) 560-8652

[email protected]